Values Education LET Review

1. The Filipinos have constituted themselves into a nation – state to pursue the goal of social progress and total human liberation and development of their: 

a. Intellectual dimension

b. Political dimension

c. Moral dimension

d. Social dimension

2. The process of working out a sense of morality through the active structuring of one’s own social experiences, the outcome of which is a preference that is considered desirable or acceptable by a referent group:  

a. Values analysis

b. Values modification

c. Moral development

d. Values clarification

3. In layman’s language, the term VALUE means one of the following: 

a. To realize a certain urgent demand for something important

b. For one or something is worth or what one prize in life

c. To have power or vigor to do a specific thing

d. Basic attitude and core beliefs

4. Empowering the person’s will to do good is exercising in him called: 

a. Fullness of truth

b. Rationalization

c. Love and fairness

d. Freedom and responsibility

5. The deepest source of man’s most authentic actions, the most privileged place in which God speaks to him, and the highest peak of the person’s humanity called: 

a. Practical judgment

b. Spiritually

c. Truth and goodness

d. Consciousness or central sense

6. The most flexible and effective strategy in encouraging a person to introspect about his thoughts and ideas, consider other alternatives, and arrive at a purposeful stance for himself and in relation to other called: 

a. Discussion

b. Moral dilemma

c. Total person experiential learning

d. Clarifying response

7. The wisdom or God or the divine reason and will, which directs all the actions and movement of thing: 

a. Ethical or moral norm

b. Universal moral law

c. Eternal law

d. Natural law

8. Values vary in different generations, cultures, and societies and within persons themselves. This means that:

a. Values are dynamic

b. Values are transmitted

c. Values are learned

d. Values are caught from various source

9. To help the Filipino develop his human potential, contribute to the growth of the Philippine culture and built appropriate structures and institutions is the task of: 

a. Education

b. Society and nation

c. The Philippine Constitution

d. Political leaders

10. In the experiential learning process, which of the following phases encourages students to share their feelings and thoughts with one another?

a. Application phase

b. Value processing phase

c. Directive phase

d. Introspective phase

11. The teacher becomes a director of value learning and enriches the learning through cognitive and effective inputs:

a. Abstraction

b. Activity

c. Analysis

d. Application

12. What is the basic premise in the development of the human being?

a. The development of human being is limitless

b. There in a supreme being more powerful than oneself

c. The human being’s potential are means to development

d. The human being’s endowed with faculties for optimum development

13. Which strategy/technique can bring awareness of what we think, feel, do and also gives an opportunity to get in touch with oneself? 

a. Affirmation

b. Disclosure

c. Introspection

d. Centering

14. Which of the following should be considered in order to combat the negative factors that destroy the solidarity of the Filipino family? 

a. Strengthen faithfulness of husband to their wives

b. Seek help from all sectors of the community

c. Be responsible member of their families

d. Believe in a formidable family

15. Which behavior shows that you can think/act locally and globally at the same time? 

a. Patronize indigenous culture

b. Maintain global awareness on various issues

c. Travel to many attractive places around the world

d. Be proud of the local products, export the same for consumption

16. What are the factors that contribute to the family’s success in values formation for their children? I. Effective child rearing methods II. Empathy and well directed love foe the children III. Schooling experiences and religious instruction IV. Permissive and modern ways of bringing up children 

a. I, II and IV

b. I, III and IV

c. II, III and IV

d. II and IV

17. Values Education seeks to form the spiritual faculties of the INTELLECT whose function, purpose, goal and the highest human fulfillment is called: 

a. To acknowledge, internalize and uphold wisdom

b. To think and to choose goodness and virtue

c. To think and know truth and wisdom

d. None of the above

18. Values Education seeks to form the spiritual faculties of the WILL whose function, purpose, goal and highest human fulfillment is: 

a. To control, fell, direct and understand

b. To do/act, to choose/love, goodness and virtue

c. To know, decide and act for the common good

d. None of the above

19. The objective of the intellect is: 

a. Goodness

b. Truth

c. Love

d. Understanding

20. The interaction an individual experience, acquires and learn from his family, his church, the school and other social institutions helps him to:

a. Be consistent in his attitudes and actions

b. Adopt moral beliefs, attitudes and values

c. Stand for the hard right against the easy wrong

d. Discover his character in the choice of life wants to live

21. The goal of values education in the Philippines is to provide and promote values at all three levels of the education system for the development of the human person committed to: 

a. An abiding faith in God as a reflection of spirituality

b. The development of sense of nationalism

c. The development of cultural values

d. Building just and human society

22. What approach is used when a science teacher emphasizes the value of intellectual honesty and respect for the emergence of new knowledge in teaching science concepts and acquiring scientific skills?

a. Values integration

b. Value analysis

c. Values inculcation

d. Values clarification

23. The family is still and the most dominating factor affecting values development because:

a. Parents are always the best role models

b. Values are the first taught and caught in the family

c. The family and home environment are roots of the Filipinos character

d. The conduct of the Filipino is very much determined by the social values of the family

24. Which of the following operative Filipino Values most specifically need some modification so that they can propel other values for the common good and social justice? 

a. Obedience and respect to leaders

b. Utangnaloob and pakikisama

c. Ningas cogon and bahala

d. Hospitality and bayanihan

25. Every human person can’t live without others. This means that the human person is essentially a\an _________ being:

a. Dependent

b. Free

c. Incarnate

d. Being

26. In which of these cases, does peer pressure become most critical? 

a. When the peers values contradict with parental moral instruction

b. When the parents disapprove of the peers of his/her child

c. When the adolescent badly gives in to peer pressure

d. When parents are unaware of his/her child’s peers

27. Which technique/method in values education is most appropriate when you want your student to take a stand and justify that on a moral issue?

a. Values clarification

b. Inculcation

c. Moral dilemma

d. Role playing

28. Which of the following will help strengthen the family?

a. Engaging in civic work

b. Lending hand to the poor

c. Communication with family members

d. Working, playing and praying together

29. The supreme and overarching value that characterizes education on the basis of the foregoing philosophy of the human person is:

a. Human personality

b. Human dignity

c. Human conscience

d. Human body

30. The main reason for pursuing all other value is: 

a. That man’s personhood is transcendent

b. The inner worth of the human person

c. Each person is endowed with faculty of free choice

d. That each individual is capable of rising above the materials.

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