LET Reviewer English Part 3

1. Which of the following is NOT an instructional adaptation in remedial instruction.

A.   Scaffolding instructional cues

B.  More challenging texts and tasks

C.  Leveling and chunking of materials

D.  On-going assessment and feedback


2. The Rizal day celebration reminds us about heroes' worth. 

A.  Emulating

B.  appreciating

C.   studying

D.  reading about 


3. In what way does testing lend itself well to teaching?

A.  testing makes learning easier

B.  testing adds to the learning concepts

C.  testing tells the teacher what to do next

D.  testing provides tangible reasons for pedagogic changes.


4. He is intelligent, but he bites more than he chew. 

A.  he is a talkative braggart

B.  he talks more than he can do

C. he speaks well beyond one's expectation


5. Among the following, an example of a discreet test is _______. 

A.  Essay

B.  Summary

C.   Spelling

D.  Multiple choice 


6. An intensive pronoun could be left out in a sentence without changing the sentence meaning.

A.  Disagree

B.  Agree

C.   Not at all

D.  Case to case basis


7. Neither his father nor his sisters _________ mahjong. 

A.  Plays

B.  Are play

C.   Are plays

D.  Play


8. Charlie's grandmother is already ninety five years old. She is blind as a bat. 

A.  Having one blind eye

B.  having total blindness

C.   Having a very poor vision

D.  Having a slight poor vision


9. The Trojan War can be seen today as _________. 

A.  Women's empowerment

B.  Men's exhibition of grief

C. The reign of political dynasty

D. The war over lands and boundaries


10. She is a generous to a fault. 

A.   Seldom

B.   Rarely

C.   Infrequently

D.  Excessively 


11. If she _______ President, she would live in Malacañang.

A.   was

B.   am

C.   would be

D.  were


12. Cleanliness is still at a discount in many parts of the country. 

A.  Believed

B.  Attended to

C.  Not to be valued fully

D.  Valued Full


13. In A Thousand and One Nights, Alibaba shouted, "Open Sesame!" to open a cave of riches. Since then the world took this mean: 

A.  A secret

B.  Wealth

C.  Power

D.  A Password


14. The woman reported that the diamonds snatched from her were genuine.

A.  Real

B.  Valuable

C.  Synthetic

D.  Imitations


15. This passage is from Oedipus the King: "You mock my blindness, do you? / But I say that you, with both your eyes, are blind. / You cannot see the wretchedness of your life." What is the objective in teaching students that the passage uses a figure of speech called paradox? 

A.  Literary appreciation

B.  Multiple intelligence

C.  Literary competence

D.  All of the above


16. What is another term for prolepsis which is a 'scene that temporarily takes the narrative forward in time from the current point of the story in literature, film. television, and other media?  

A.  Flashback

B.  Flashforward

C.  Foreshadowing

D.  Telescoping


17. Carry on with your work. 

A.  Be on time

B.  Continue

C.  Carry to work

D.  Stop


18. A classification of consonant sounds according to manner that is produced by stopping the airflow using the lips, teeth, or palate, followed by a sudden release of air. 

A.  Plosives 

B.  Affricates

C.  Fricatives

D.  Bilabials


19. He dreams of becoming a lawyer. However, his dream is somewhat a bird in the bush.

A.  Illusion 

B.  Uncertain

C.  Allusion

D.  Extraordinary 


20. The thief was caught red-handed with the iPad. 

A.  caught in the act

B.  caught about to steal the iPad

C.  caught and arrested


21. She is the wife of Zeus and considered the goddess of marriage.  

A.  Hera

B.  Athena

C.  Aphrodite

D.  Artemis


22. Wincey is quite happy now that she lives in clover. 

A.  Happiness

B.  Lives with her family

C.  Lives close to her relatives and friends

D.  Lives luckily


23. In a novel or a short story, this is the point of view assumed by the narrator from which he is able to tell everything that happens in the story. This is known as ____________. 

A.  Eyewitness

B.  Omniscient

C.  First person

D.  Stream of consciousness 


24. The ______ wiring is the cause of the sudden blackout. 

A.  loose 

B.  lost

C.  lose

D.  losing


25. Neither his father nor his sisters _______mahjong. 

A.  Plays

B.  Are play

C.  Are plays

D.  Play 


26. Mathematics________ the most difficult subject in the board exam.

A.  Remain

B.  Remains

C.  Has remains

D.  Remaining


27. Which is palindrome?

A.  Civic

B.  Drive

C.  Take

D.  Come


28. We should work for the total ban _____ of pesticides. 

A.  by the use

B.  with

C.  on using

D.  on the use 


29. What you have said does not hold water with me. What does the statement mean? 

A.  Believable

B.  Unbelievable

C.  Understandable

D.  Unimportant


30. Which type of plot device ends abruptly so that the main characters are left in a difficult situation without offering any resolution or conflict? 

A.  Anti-hero

B.  Archetype

C.  Cliffhanger 

D.  Foil


31. In an oral interpretation activity, one student delivers a declamation with so much shouting and crying. These acts are examples of ______. 

A.  Histrionics

B.  Monologue

C.  Interpretation

D.  Technique


32. Upon learning, the past tense of call is called and talk is talked, the child writes singed for sing. What kind of language error is this?

A.  overgeneralization 

B.  nominalization

C.  monitoring

D.  habit-formation


33. Which among the four basic types of assessment tasks in speaking requires "parroting" back words, phrases, and sentences, which students hear?

A.  Imitative

B.  Extensive

C.  Interactive

D.  Responsive


34. In Greek Mythology, who was the hero who sailed in the long ship Argo to search for the Golden Fleece 

A.  Achilles

B.  Jason

C.  Paris

D.  Ulysses


35. The marketing officers were asked to go over the figures in their reports before the conference. 

A.  Calculate

B.  Revise

C.  Review

D.  Compute


36. Tartarus, Elysium, Asphodel, and Erebus all pertain to which region? 

A.  Hell

B.  Heaven

C.  Purgatory

D.  Underworld


37. What kind of competence is described as the ability to recognize the elements of the writing system, knowledge of vocabulary, and knowledge of how words are structured into sentence? 

A.  Discourse

B.  Linguistic

C.  Sociolinguistics

D.  Strategic 


38. The _______ refers to the linguistic context or textual environment provided by the discourse and which helps in the interpretation of meaning. 

A.  Co-text

B.  Sub-text

C.  Hypertext

D.  Cross text


39. How can the following be interpreted? "I am used to the same tales" 

A.  It is very original

B.  It is news

C.  There is nothing new in the story.

D.  There was a miscommunication


40. Tess and I met a friend of ______at Robinson's yesterday.

A.  them

B.  us 

C.  we

D.  their


41. Mr. Ramos is a teacher in the provincial high school. He prefers to give his students objective tests. Which of the following can be considered as a traditional form of assessment? 

A.  Portfolios

B.  Journals

C.  Becauset

D.  Pen-paper tests


42. The fist language that has undergone formal study is _______. 

A.  Greek

B.  Hebrew

C.  Latin

D.  Sanskrit 


43. What is the reason behind the creation of the Declaration of Independence? 

A.  Because of the allied forces

B.  Because of the tyrant leaders

C.  Because of the Indian savages

D.  Because of the native Americans


 44. The behavioristic view is an educational-psychological philosophy that is compatible with. 

A.  innatist

B.  functionalist

C.  structuralist

D.  interactionist 


 45. Nobody wants to listen to him. He always bats the breeze. 

A.  Talk cruelly

B.  Talk rudely

C.  Talk nonsense or exaggerate

D.  Talk indiscreetly 


46. Many a man ______to be rich and famous. 

A.  Desires

B.  Desiring

C.  Is desiring


47. What is the vocal variable that dictates the highness and lowness of your voice? 

A.  Pitch

B.  Volume

C.  Rate

D.  Loudness


48. Mathematics __________ the most difficult subject in the board exam. 

A.  Remains

B.  remain

C.  has remains 


49. Two friends had a serious fight and another friend came to pour oil on troubled waters. 

A.  To worsen the guilt

B.  To worsen the fight

C.  To smooth out a quarrel

D.  To put the blame on them 


50. This is a theatrical approach to performing narrative literature. 

A.   Drama

B.  Chamber theater

C.  Reader's theater

D.  Speech Choir

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