Learning Episode 3 Learners’ gender & Socio-Cultural Needs


This episode focuses on gender needs, strengths, interests, experiences, language, race, culture, religion, socio-economic status, difficult circumstances, and minority issues of indigenous peoples.  All students with diverse learning needs have a right to access a full and engaging education on the same basis as their peers.

Why is it important to learn about learners’ diversity?  Learning diversity refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes a child brings to their formal learning at school. Studies have shown that having diverse classrooms help develop tolerance and a greater sense of security when in environments with other foreign cultures present. It also helps students learn about other languages and cultures, encouraging them to be interculturally sensitive.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this activity, pre-service teacher should be able to:

  • Identify the needs of students with different levels of abilities in the classroom,

  • Identify best practices in differentiated teaching to suit that varying learner needs in a diverse class (PPST 3.1.1), 

  • Describe the characteristics and needs of learners from diverse backgrounds,  and

  • Demonstrate openness, understanding, and acceptance of the learners’ diverse needs and backgrounds.

My Performance

Scale:  Excellent -5, Very Satisfactory- 4, Satisfactory – 3, Poor -2, Very Poor -1

Task 1- My Observation/ Documentation


All done outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation


All or nearly all task done with high quality


Nearly all tasks done with acceptable quality


Fewer than half of tasks done; or most objectives meet but with poor quality


Never of the task done, no objectives meet and very poor quality


Task 2- My Analysis

Analysis of questions are answered completely; in depth answers thoroughly based on theories/


All or nearly all tasks are done with high quality. Analysis of questions are answered completely. Clear in connection with theories / exemplar.


Analysis questions were satisfactory and answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories


Analysis of questions are not all answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory


Analysis of questions has completely no answer. Grammar and spelling are very poor


Task 3- My Reflection

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode


Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.


Reflection statements are shallows; supported by the experiences from the episode.


Reflection statements are unclear and shallows and are not supported


Reflection statements are not totally cleared and shallows are not supported by experiences from the episodes.


Task 4- My Learning Artifacts

Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and all supporting documentation which are located in sections clearly.


Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and most supporting documentation is available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations.


Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation on organized but is lacking


Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear


Portfolio has completely lacking component is unorganized and very poor


Task 5 - My Submission

Two days before deadline


On the deadline


A day after the deadline


Two days after the deadline


Three days after the deadline


Total Score

How will I be rated?

Overall Score

My Rating

Notification bell icon alarm reminder sign Vector Image Reminder

At the end of this activity, a pre-service teacher should be able to determine a school environment that provides social, psychological and physical environment learning.

Transmutation to grade/rating

Score                       Grade        .
    20               1.00                99
18-19               1.25                96
17                    1.50                93
16                    1.75                90
15                    2.00                87
14                    2.25                84
12-13               2.50                81
11                    2.75                78
10                    3.00                75
7 below          5.00

Numerical rating



Descriptive rating

Activity 1

Relating Learning Experience with Gender and Socio-Cultural Diversity

This activity is focused on observing differences among learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences and how can these differences be matched with the learning opportunity provided.  These differences also include the differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds and difficult circumstances. 

To make this activity more meaningful, you have to commit yourself to achieve the desired outcomes of this learning episode.  Thus, you have to make this activity your own journey by reflecting as follow:

My Tools

will include the Gender and Socio-Cultural Profile and self-made platform of gathering data.

My Map

will include this instruction and corresponding worksheets below that I need to read carefully and study before going through the journey.

My Mission 

is to do the following tasks:

  1. Find ways by which learners in my class can accomplish the GSCP either by using the following:

  1. google form,

  2. fb messenger, or

  3. any medium to connect with target participants

  1. Accomplish worksheets 1.1 through 1.4 in this activity.

  2. Describe the learners’ GSCP and match this with the actual learning environment by using the following:

  1.  Descriptive Paragraph

  2.  Photo Essay

  3.  Sketch or Drawing, and/or

  4.  Poem, song or rap

My Target 

… is a representative sample of the learners in my class (about 20 to 30 learners).  Make sure that you are using an unbiased strategy of choosing your participants.

Gender and Socio-Cultural Profile (GSCP)

Name (optional):  

Sex:  □ Male     □ Female


No. of siblings: 













Gender preference:  feminine masculine                

Socio-economic status:  below average    average    above average

Parents’ occupation

Mother:                                     Father:

Parents’ educatiolevel

Mother:                                     Father:

Language used at home:                                         


Religious affiliation:

Type of community Urban     □ Rural

My Observation  

Worksheet 1.1

Based on the GSCP data gathered, accomplish the following matrices.

Table 1.1  GSCP Data

No. of   male 18   female 13

Average age: 14

No. of siblings: 7

List of hobbies (top 5)

1 Reading

2 social media

3 Tiktok/dancing

4 watching movies

5 jogging























Gender preference:  feminine masculine       

No. of learners with SES below average 1   average 27  above average 3

Parents’ occupation (top 5)




2 Gov. Employ

3 Business


4 Accountant

5 Firewoman




2 Gov. Employ

3 Engineer

4 Businessman

5 Teacher

Parents’ educ level

(Indicate number of learners)





Post Grad







Language used at home

(Indicate top responses)                                         



2 English



4 Mandarin

5 Surigaonon


(Indicate top 5 responses)                                       

1 Butuanon

2 Asian-Ameri.

3 Cebuano

4 Filipino-Chinese

5 Surigaonon

Religious affiliation:

Catholic/Adventist/Iglesia Ni Cristo/Jehovah’s Witness/Agnosticism/Muslim

Type of community (Indicate top 5 responses)  Urban 25  Rural 6

My Analysis

Worksheet 1.2

How do you describe your learners in terms gender and socio-cultural diversity?  Write your answers in the spaces provided below with a minimum of 30 words, and maximum of 100 words only.

Learners have different kind or types of living depending on how their parents raise them and depending on what their parent’s occupations. I noticed that most of their parents graduated college and have a work, mostly on government and some have businesses which relates to where they lived because most of them lived in urban areas/places. Seems like they’re having a comfy life, though they seems to be living a comfortable life pr abundant life, I can see and feel that the learners are very humble.

Discussion of Analysis

Based on the data shows, it simplifies that the student have different capacity in term of social and cultural. they are diverse in terms of their hobbies, language, and religion, which shows that in a classroom setting their are no student who are alike, truly their is no one size that fits all.

Conclusion 1 

In terms of gender needs, ...

In their classroom, their are a lot of male than female. how ever some of them maybe still confuse of their gender identity.

Conclusion 2

In terms of socio-cultural  needs, ...

Students are diverse, they interact based on the religion, culture, and how they are raised and taught by their parents to interact or socialize with the others.

My Reflection

Worksheet 1.3

Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experiences in the teaching-learning process. Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30 words per number only.

1) Can you identify learning experiences that respond to learners' gender and socio-cultural diversity? If No, why?

  • Yes

2) If Yes (in item 1), i what ways?

  • On how they are going to act, behave and socialize in the classroom. their gender and socio-cultural diversity have something to do on how they express themselves in the classroom.

3) How do the learning experiences respond to learners' gender needs?

  • In the classroom, students can gain a lot of learning experiences and it has something to do with their gender needs. Just based on how they're going to act and display themselves would reflect on how we will be going to respond on that certain needs.

4) How do the learning experiences respond to learners' socio-cultural needs?

  • In the classroom, students can gain a lot of learning experiences and it has something to do with their socio-cultural needs. Just based on how they're going to act and display themselves would reflect on how we will be going to respond on that certain needs.

My Learning Artifacts

Worksheet 1.4

Activity 2

Classroom Experience of Learners with Special Needs

This activity is focused on observing differences among learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents.  Disabilities do not only mean physical handicap but include learning disabilities in different level of experience among learners such as difficulty in reading, language and numeracy, hyperactivity and low focus and many more.  Understanding their special needs will allow them to maximize their potential; thus, improved academic performance and consequently life literacy.

To make this activity more meaningful, you have to commit yourself to achieve the desired outcomes of this learning episode.  Thus, you have to make this activity your own journey by reflecting as follow:

My Tools

will include the LSN-Check, CSt-Guide and self-made platform of gathering data. 

My Map

will include this instruction and corresponding worksheets below that I need to read carefully and study before going through the journey.

My Mission 

is to do the following tasks:

  1. Find ways I can accomplish the LSN-Check with parents /teachers thru interview or observation either by using the following online platforms:

  1. google form,

  2. fb messenger, or

  3. any medium to connect with target participants

 Leaners’ Special Needs Checklist (LSN-Check) 





Specific learning disability

(dyscalculia, dyslexia, written expression disorder)

Successful gifted

Other impairment like ADHD, ASD, emotional disturbance

Autonomous gifted

Physical impairment (speech, visual, hearing, deaf, orthopedic)  

Challenging & creative

Intellectual disability like down syndrome


Traumatic brain injury

Doubly exceptional

Multiple disabilities

  1. After accomplishing LSN-Check, identify a learner to be interviewed for each case – 

  1.  case 1 for with disability, and 

  2.  case 2 for giftedness).  

  1. Conduct interview using the CSI-guide.

  2. Accomplish worksheets 1.1 through 1.4 in this activity.

  3. Describe the learners’ GSCP and match this with the actual learning environment by using the following:

  1.  Descriptive Paragraph

  2. Photo Essay

  3. Sketch or Drawing, and/or

  4. Poem, song or rap

Case Study Guide (CSt-Guide) 

Disability- Case 1

Giftedness – Case 2

1.  Do you find difficulty in doing your work in school? 

      ___Yes    ____No 

1.  Do you find some challenging work in school? 

      ____Yes    ____No

1.1  If No, how did you do it?

1.1  If No, how did you manage to continue in school?

1.2  If Yes, how did you manage the difficulty?

1.2  If Yes, how did you do it?

2.  What are you most interested to learn? And how?

Note:  You may use this tool as guide for interview or observation.

My Target 

… is the valid source of information  which can be the teachers or parents if not the concerned learners themselves (for the LSN-Check.  Case learners may be voluntary as long as the case criteria (with disability and/or gifted) are met.

My Observation  

Worksheet 1.1

Figure 2.1.  Extent of Special Needs 

Based on the data gathering from interview and/or observation using LSN-Check, write the specific special need in the following block matrix (size of block shows extent of special needs).



Figure 2.2.  My Case Studies

Based on the data gathering from interview and/or observation using CSt-Guide, write the specific special need in the following block matrix (size of block shows extent of special needs).



Case 1

  • There is NO result of this because there are no students in TCA who have special Needs.

Case 2

  • There is NO result of this because there are no students in TCA who have special Needs.

My Analysis

Worksheet 1.2

Do the learning difficulty and/or challenges of learners with special needs differ?  Give your findings and insights in the space provided below? Write your answers in the spaces provided below with a minimum of 30 words, and maximum of 100 words only.

For leaners, with diabilities, ...

There is NO result of this because there are no students in TCA who have special Needs.

For gifted learners, ...

There is NO result of this because there are no students in TCA who have special Needs.


My Reflection

Worksheet 1.3

Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experiences in the teaching-learning process on learners with special needs. Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30 words per number only.

1) Can you identify learning experiences that respond to learners' special needs? If No, why?

2) If Yes (in item 1), in what ways?

3) How do the learning experiences respond to learners' special needs?

4) What are appropriate  differentiated learning experiences to cater special needs?

Activity 3

Learning Experience of IP Learners

This activity is focused on the learning experiences of learners who belong to indigenous people group.  Most often, these learners called the IPs are on a disadvantage if not deprived sector of our selfish society.  This is clearly stipulated in DepEd Order no. 62, series of 2011.  Among the current disadvantages that IPs face, access to culture-responsive basic education stands out as one of the most critical to address, especially if the right to basic education is viewed as an “enabling right.” Basic education is an essential means for IPs to claim their other rights, exercise self-determination, and expand the choices available to them.  Hence, this is your call as teachers who come in direct contact with these learners.

To make this activity more meaningful, you have to commit yourself to achieve the desired outcomes of this learning episode.  Thus, you have to make this activity your own journey by reflecting as follow:

My Tools

will include KII-Guide and self-made online platform of conducting the interview. 

My Map

will include this instruction and corresponding worksheets below that I need to read carefully and study before going through the journey.

My Mission 

is to do the following tasks:

  1. Using Worksheet 1.1, identify IPEd indicators through my virtual observation.

  2. Find ways I can accomplish the KII-Guide with the teacher and/or IP learner either by using the following online platforms:

  1.  google form,

  2. fb messenger, or

  3. any medium to connect with target participants

  1. Accomplish worksheets 1.1 through 1.4 in this activity.

  2. Describe the learning experience of IP learners by using the following:

  1. Descriptive Paragraph

  2. Photo Essay

  3. Sketch or Drawing, and/or

  4. Poem, song or rap

Good day Ma’am, we are not able to gather data for activity 2 and 3 only for activity 1 due to some reasons that the school does not have student with special needs and Ips school.

Key Informant Interview Guide (KII-Guide)

For Teacher

For IP Learner

1.  Do you have programs or activities IP learners and/or promotion IPEd? 

      ___Yes    ____No 

1.  Do you find activities in school that makes you feel accepted or proud belonging to IP? 

      ____Yes    ____No

  1. If No, how did you do it? Why?

1.1  If No, how did you manage to continue in this school?

1.2  If Yes, what are they? (You can probe using Worksheet 1.1 in this activity.)

1.2 If Yes, can you something about these activities?

My Target 

… is to check DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011 and come up with my own checklist for IP education (IPEd) indicator based on this actual field observation.


  • Ensure the provision of universal and equitable access of all IPs to quality and relevant basic education services towards functional literacy for all.
  • Adopt appropriate basic education pedagogy, content, and assessment through the integration of Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) in all learning areas and processes
  • Provide adequate and culturally-appropriate learning resources and environment to IP learners
  • Strengthen the hiring, deployment, and continuous development of teachers and learning facilitators in the implementation of its IP Education Program
  • Implement stronger affirmative action to eradicate all forms of discrimination against IPs in the entire Philippine educational system.
  • Expand and strengthen institutional and civil society linkages to ensure proper coordination, knowledge-sharing, and sustainability of the IP Education Program
  • Establish and strengthen appropriate multi-level units within DepED responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring IP education interventions

My Observation  

Worksheet 1.1

Based on the data gathering from interview and/or observation on the  policy statement of DepEd order 62. S. 2011, identify indicators (activities or programs) in your cooperating school supporting IP education.

Policy Statement 

IPEd Indicators 

Functional literacy of IP


Integration of IKSP 

IP learners’ resources

CPD for IPED teachers

IP discriminations 



IPED monitoring

My Analysis

Worksheet 1.2

Is the support afforded to IP people groups evident in the basic education system?   Give your findings and insights in the space provided below? Write your answers in the spaces provided below with a minimum of 30 words, and maximum of 100 words only.

My Reflection

Worksheet 1.3

Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experiences in the teaching-learning process on learners with special needs. Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30 words per number only.

1) As student intern, how will you support IP learners?

2) As student intern, how will you support IP learners outside school?

3) How will you promote IPEd as student intern?

4) Suppose you have no IP learners, how will you support IPEd? 

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