Learning Episode 4-online Learner DIVERSITY: The e-Community and friendly Home Environment




Helping children to learn at home considered most rewarding experience of both students and parents.  Many parents now choose to let their children stay at home and learn, feeling that they can provide greater help to their children while coping and adapting to the country's new normal educational landscape. Learning at home is another educational setting that school officials and teachers must consider.  Hence, to bring the child home to learn is not always an easy one. 

Despite of so many limitations due to closure of physical schools due to covid 19 pandemic still parents and teachers are working hand in hand, creating wonderful e - community of learners and amazing home school learning atmosphere. Many parents testify that this covid 19 pandemic allow them to have individualized and attention and instruction to their children, they can always monitor their children participation and interaction in the e-community socialize their virtual classmates’ They have opportunities to socialize with their peers through support groups via chat groups, and other local activities, they won’t be subjected to some of the harsh bullying that is occurring in schools. Thus, children can learn in a positive and friendly environment at home.

In this episode, the pre-service teachers will explore how basic education teachers address this challenge of new normal in delivery of education.  Though some are still groping with the use of technology and online resources, the actual observation may generate data on good efforts and practices taken by teachers, administrators and parents both e-community learning and home learning environment in achieving desired outcomes and competencies.


Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this activity, pre-service teacher should be able to:

  • Describe the influencing factors in home environment that affect the students learning performance in the new normal classroom.


  • Identify effective strategies on how teachers work together with the family despite challenges in the new normal.

  • Present concept of a good home learning environment, especially in online learning, through any of the following: Descriptive paragraph,   Photo essay, Sketch or drawing or poem, song,  hugot line. ( 15 words)

My Performance How will I be rated?

Scale:  Excellent -5, Very Satisfactory- 4, Satisfactory – 3, Poor -2, Very Poor -1

Task 1- My Observation/ Documentation


All done outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation


All or nearly all tasks done with high quality


Nearly all tasks done with acceptable quality


Fewer than half of tasks done; or most objectives meet but with poor quality


Never of the task done, no objectives meet and very poor quality


Task 2- My Analysis

Analysis of questions are answered completely; in depth answers thoroughly based on theories/


All or nearly all tasks are done with high quality. Analysis of questions are answered completely. Clear in connection with theories / exemplar.


Analysis questions were satisfactory and answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories


Analysis of questions are not all answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory


Analysis of questions has completely no answer. Grammar and spelling are very poor


Task 3- My Reflection

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode


Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.


Reflection statements are shallows; supported by the experiences from the episode.


Reflection statements are unclear and shallows and are not supported


Reflection statements are not totally cleared, and shallows are not supported by experiences from the episodes.


Task 4- My Learning Artifacts

Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and all supporting documentation which are in sections clearly.


Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and most supporting documentation is available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations.


Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation on organized but is lacking


Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear


Portfolio has completely lacked component is unorganized and very poor


Task 5 - My Submission

Two days before deadline


On the deadline


A day after the deadline


Two days after the deadline


Three days after the deadline


Total Score

Overall Score

My Rating

Notification bell icon alarm reminder sign Vector Image Reminder

At the end of this activity, a pre-service teacher should be able Identify effective strategies teachers work together with the family the new normal education or vice versa that allow learners to achieve desired learning outcomes.

Transmutation to grade/rating

Score                       Grade     .
    20               1.00                99
18-19               1.25                96
17                    1.50                93
16                    1.75                90
15                    2.00                87
14                    2.25                84
12-13               2.50                81
11                    2.75                78
10                    3.00                75
7 below          5.00

Numerical rating



Descriptive rating

Activity 1

The LMS and Virtual Classroom

My Tools

An Observation Guide for e-community and friendly home environment

Be guided by this task description as you do your observation. 

  • Look at the LMS and virtual platform managed by the sending school and/or supervising instructor provided for you to document the whole process of observation.  

  •  Comprehend what are necessary data you want to gather before the conduct of the actual interview.

  • Communicate to your cooperating teacher with facilitation of the task, and ask assistance for the persons involved, time and communication platform.

  • Set an appointment to the learner, teacher, and parents for the actual conduct of the interview.

  • Conduct short orientation before you begin and write your observation report on the separate sheets.

My Map

This activity sheet is your map to guide through your journey with e- community and friendly home learning environment.  Worksheets with interview guide are provided for you to document your actual observations as you observe the learners and interview guide questions as you question the teachers and the parents in a virtual platform. It is recommended that you read the complete observation map (activity sheet with worksheets) before beginning the exercise. Better learning outcomes will result from a clear comprehension of the activities to be completed on the activity sheet.

My Mission 

… is to do the following tasks:

  1. Acquire the following links from the Resource Teacher to the: online learning management system, and virtual classroom of the class where you assigned to observe.

  2. Accomplish the checklist in Worksheet 1 as you explore LMS and/or observe the virtual class.

  3. Describe e- community and friend home  learning based on the gathered data.

  4. Make a reflection on the characteristics of a physical e-learning environment that promotes learning.

  5. Present your concept of a good school environment through any of these:

  1.  Descriptive Paragraph

  2.  Photo Essay

  3.  Sketch or Drawing

  4.  Poem, song, or hugot line. ( 15 words)

My Target 

This will guide you towards the learning objectives and achieving your desired learning outcomes.

  • Conduct the actual observation of the learner in an e- community of learning of the cooperating school.

  • Accomplish the worksheets

  • Submit accomplished worksheets on or before deadline set in the LMS.

My Observation

Activity 1

Worksheet 1. General Observation of the Learner

Describe the learners in each of the domain of development. Check the column that corresponds your observation. Give a brief description on it.

Observation with the learner

Write your observation

During virtual meeting (LMS)

Physical body built

The students are fit and most of them are turning on their cameras on the zoom so we can observe their physical body built, it is obvious and very observable that the students are neat and clean on their body and we can see that they came physically prepared for the virtual class.

Social Interaction through virtual presence

Though they only have online classes, students are still participative. They answer the questions of the teachers and ask questions to the teachers whenever they have confusions. There are few students who are shy and does not speak a lot.

Virtual emotional presence

Emotional presence is not really visible, but we can also base it on how they act and respond to the class, and it’s observable that most of them are ready for the class but there are few who are quiet/shy.

Virtual cognitive presence

The students are intelligent, seems like they have studied the lesson in advance. They acquire and create their own understanding in the class. 

Others, pls specify:

In terms of cooperation, I really admire the students because they really are cooperating to the teachers and to their fellow students. Sometimes, they have a group activity and we can really see that they are working together virtually, though it is quite hard to do it virtually but still they manage to finish their task in full cooperation.

Worksheet 1.1 Moment of Truth: One on One with the Guardians

Hold a cordial interview with the teacher and parents. Fill up the blanks with their replies.

Interview Guide

Note taking of their replies

  1. With the teacher

1.What are the most amazing attributes of the learner as to;


  • Emotional disposition


  • Sense of discipline


  • Academic performance


  • Relationship with peers


2.  How does the teacher communicate with the parents?

Through cellphone and Facebook Messenger

  • How often?

Not very often, if there is need to clarify.

  • What do they discuss?

Regarding the performance of the child in academics if there are any issues or not, assignments, school contributions, clarifications and payment or bills.

  • What do they agree on?

They agree on the rules and conduct during class hours, exam periods, etc.

Others, pls specify:


  1. Interview with parents

1.How do you provide nurturing learning environment for your child at home?

  • By keeping the house silent and removing any disturbances such as pets or loud sounds

  • Provide adequate space for online schooling, monitor school activities, and require them to study.

  • Whenever my daughter is having online classes, I tend to make her surroundings quite and I tell her to not use phones if not needed to be able to focus class.

  • We are providing a healthy environment for our children which is far from noise pollution, that outcomes into focus of concentration distraction. 

  • Maintain the cleanliness to avoid/far away from mosquito bites & flies who brings bacteria and resulting to sickness like dengue. 

  • Isolate them in one area called study room to focus and not disturb in their virtual class. 

  • Give them the freedom to answer with in their own approach and to learn how to counter the problem or whatever struggle passing by. 

  • Providing them the anticipated preventive measures and forecast for the gadget subject for malfunction.

2. How will you monitor her/ his performance at school? 

  • By regularly keeping in contact with his teachers and checking his performance each quarter. Also by making sure he is properly attending the classes.

  • Through the teachers and the result of performance every grading period.

  • Honestly, I can't always monitor her because I am a busy person. But she tends to update me always and I'm thankful to her for that.

  • We can only monitor our child performance after the class. By asking what are their assignments and lessons that are difficult to catch up. For the evaluation, as a whole i can only monitor after the grading rating will be release by the teacher. And adjustment will follow after finding out their criteria of weaknesses.

3. What do you believe is your best support as a parent during this epidemic to keep your child engaged to learn?

  • By letting them understand the meaning of life in this pandemic, since many people have passed away, to let them know that their privilege of going to school and graduating is important so that in the future they could possibly help other's as well

  • Aside from providing everything they need for online schooling like computer, books, etc., our best support to keep our sons engaged to learn is to always challenge them to do their best, because we believed that they are intelligent to learn anything they just need to work and strive for it, we always set goals for them to achieve to keep school interesting.

  • I believe my best support as a parent during this epidemic to keep my child engaged to learn is to open her mind on the do's and don’ts in life. To inspire her to finish her studies for her future and for everybody. Especially when she wanted to be a doctor.

  • The only way is to ENCOURAGE them to walk into the right path always whatever failure they undergo. That sometimes can be adjusted sooner or later especially in the reflection of pandemic scenario in which financial constraint are mostly affected to some of the parents who are affected by the economic down fall. And it may sometimes become a good relevant weapon for us parents by telling them the real truth of the effect of this poverty we encounter.

Others, pls specify:


My Analysis

        Worksheet 1.2

How do these learning facilities facilitate or support children achieved learning outcomes? Write your answers in the spaces provided below with a minimum of 30 words, and maximum of 100 words only.

Discussion Students have different ways to be prepared in virtual classes, they are participating and active on their class though they've done it virtually. their parents and teacher's communication are essential also on their learning, it can help them to be monitored and improve themselves in the virtual class. parents also have a huge role to play on student's development and performance on the class, the more the parents are keeping in touch with their children and to their teacher the more they can help their children in preparing for the class.

Conclusion 1

Because of the pandemic happened all over the world, educational system has changed. From physical or face to face classes to modular and/or online learning. It has been affecting students physical, emotional, social and cognitive presence. As we can observe the changes of their behaviors. They might not take the virtual class seriously, not participating on the class and making up excuses, but through the guide of the teachers, through their encouragement and their method and ways of teaching students can also be learning and be excited having classes online.

Conclusion 2

Teacher-Parent relationship during this time is a great help for the students. through their communications, teachers can monitor the student on how he/she is doing in their how if she's okay and working on the tasks and assignment and parents can monitor their children's academic performance and maybe can help them figure out about the student's tasks and assignments.

My Reflection
Worksheet 1.3

Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experiences. Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30 words per number only.

1. Which portion of the episode 4 learning process do you enjoy the most? Why?

I enjoyed the first part, because I was able to write down my observations on how are the students physically, emotionally, and how they are in their cognitive presence. I was able to observe them though we only have the chance to see each other virtually.

2) During your childhood  days, What type of parenting would your consider that affect your  learning behavior today?

I did not grow up living with my parents. I grow up with my grandparents who are strict and sometimes they are able to threw bad words or negative compliment to me, which I believe affects me emotionally and which makes me doubt myself. All along I am longing for a positive compliment I wanted to hear from a parent. I really cannot tell how am I in my childhood days, I was really an introvert when I was a child. I always isolate myself in our house and if I roam around my grandmother would scold me. But now, I am making those things as my inspiration to really pursue my dreams and become successful, and I have my tita with me who’s really supportive not just financially but in all aspect.

3. How will you develop strong home-school collaboration as a future teacher? How can you collaborate effectively with parents? What can you do to assist them? What can they do to assist you?

Constant communication with the parents, talk to them regarding on the performance of their child, as a teacher collaborating with parents, I have to be respectful on how they are on nurturing their child and understand their situation and if I have concerns, I would approach them nicely. I can assist them monitoring their child’s performance in school, and they can be aware if their children are participating, cooperating and did not have any absents, and parents can assist me also in monitoring my students on how they are on their home.

My Learning Artifacts

                                                                                     Worksheet 1.3

My personal illustration of …

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