
 Course Description:

            This is the first experiential course, which will immerse a future teacher in an actual classroom situation and learning environment where direct observation of teaching learning episodes that focuses on the application of educational theories learned in content and pedagogy courses will be made. Observations on learner’s behavior, motivation and teacher’s strategies of teaching, classroom management and assessment in learning among others shall be given emphasis. A portfolio shall be required in the course.

            This course is designed to help the field study students verify the behavior of the student in the actual learning environment. It will require them to recognize feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the learner’s different phases of development and social environment

Field Study 1 can be anchored on these Professional Education subjects:

  • Child and Adolescent Development

  • Facilitating Learning

  • Social Dimension of Education


  1. Describe how a safe and secure learning environment contributes to the physical, socio-emotional and cognitive development of learners.

  2. Determine ways of addressing learner’s diversity in terms of gender, needs, interests, cultural background and difficult circumstances.

  3. Appraise how the teacher manifests her/his personal and professional competencies.

  4. Illustrate the teaching-learning process and the use of ICT to promote quality relevant and sustainable education processes.

  5. Assess the various classroom management strategies observed in the class.

  6. Analyze concepts, theories and principles in curriculum development in actual classroom settings.

  7. Evaluate assessment and reporting practices done in the classroom.

  8. Formulate one’s philosophy of teaching.




           Observation is to provide opportunity for the student teachers to relate theory to actual practice. To help them do this, remember to: know and understand guides, jot down details carefully separate facts from interpretation and accomplish the checklist/ forms as:

Intended Learning Outcome:

At the end of this activity, pre-service teacher should be able to:

  1. Determine a school environment that provides a social, physiological and physical environment of learning.

  2. Differentiate the characteristics and needs of learners from the different developmental levels

  3. Present you concept of a good school environment through any of the following :

  1. Descriptive paragraph                      c) Photo essay

  2. Sketch or Drawing                             d) Poem, song or rap

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)




Very Satisfactory






Very Poor




All done outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation

All or nearly all task done with high quality

Nearly all tasks done with acceptable quality

Fewer than half of tasks done; or most objectives meet but with poor quality

Never of the task done, no objectives meet and very poor quality

My Analysis

Analysis of questions are answered completely; in depth answers thoroughly based on theories/


All or nearly all tasks are done with high quality. Analysis of questions are answered completely. Clear in connection with theories

Analysis questions were satisfactory and answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories

Analysis of questions are not all answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

Analysis of questions has completely no answer. Grammar and spelling are very poor

My Reflection

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode

Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are shallows; supported by the experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are unclear and shallows and are not supported

Reflection statements are not totally cleared

and shallows are not supported by experiences from the episodes

My Learning Artifacts

Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and all supporting documentation which located in sections clearly

Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and most supporting documentation is available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations.

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation on organized but is lacking

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

Portfolio has completely lacked component is unorganized and very poor


Two days before deadline

On the deadline

A day after the deadline

Two days after the deadline

Three days after the deadline

Total Score


Overall                                                                       Rating
Score                                                                          (Based on Transmutation)

Transmutation to grade/rating

Score              Grade
20                    1.0                  99
18-19               1.25                96
17                    1.50                93
16                    1.75                90
15                    2.00                87
14                    2.25                84
12-13               2.50                81
11                    2.75                78
10                    3.00                75
7 below            5.00

            At the end of this activity, a pre-service teacher should be able to determine a school environment that provides social, psychological and physical environment learning.

My Observation

                                    An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

          Be guided by this task as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix data below.

  1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are they posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements you see posted?

  2. Examine how the figure is arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the tables, chairs/desk arranged?

  3. What learning materials / equipment are present?

  4. Observe the students. How many students are occupying the room?

  5. Is the room lighted and well ventilated?

My Tools

          As you observe around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results

          Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your data

My Map

          A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start my observation.

My mission is to do the following tasks:

  1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, the in the classroom

  2. Accomplish the checklist as you move around the school premises.

  3. Based on your gathered data in the checklist, describe the school environment.

  4. Make a reflection on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning

  5. Present your concept of a good school environment through any of these:

  1.  Descriptive Paragraph

  2.  Photo Essay

  3.  Sketch or Drawing

  4.  Poem, song or rap

My Target/Learning Objectives

  1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are they posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements you see posted?

  2. Examine how the figure is arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the tables, chairs/desk arranged?

  3. What learning materials / equipment are present?

  4. Observe the students. How many students are occupying the room?

  5. Is the room lighted and well ventilated?


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column that indicates their availability. Give a brief description on it


Learning materials are available for the student to access. Serve as a location to introduce, reinforce, and deepen student learning. 

Shop Room/ Industrial Workshop Area

It has a complete materials and tools ready for the students to accomplish their tasks in which it could help the student to improve their skills and train themselves.


The Canteen/Cafeteria is situated in the clean area.

The reading center is clean and is situated in area that is well-ventilated and free from destruction and students can focus.

Computer Laboratory

The room was air conditioned and it was fully equipped. Furnish the students to complete and accomplish their tasks and works.

Faculty Room

The faculty room is clean and wide in space, every teacher was provided a space and it’s easy for them to communicate with each other.

Research Room

Tools and equipment are available, affords academics a chance to collect data.

Comfort Room

Ready to provide comfort for the students. 


Wide and well-organized, students can study comfortably in their library.


HE Practical House

The room is good and it has complete things necessary in the student’s activity. Students can really explore HE.

My Analysis

How do the school and the laboratory rooms in particular impact on the learning of the students on going to school? What are your conclusions? (Write your answers in the space provided below with a minimum of 30 words, and maximum of 100 words only).


School and laboratory rooms have an impact on the learning of the student because it is an environment and a place where students are able to perform their tasks and works. For example in a science class, there are activities that students need to perform an experiment so a laboratory rooms has a great help. These facilities can encourage students to learn and perform the activities and tasks.

Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experiences. (Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30 words per number only).

My Reflection

  1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?

Yes, I would like to teach in the school environment I have observed just base on the structures and buildings, facilities, tools and equipment and the learning environment itself is great. Almost all of the facilities and equipment are in the school and base on my observation I can comfortably teach in the school. I can see that the school is really concerned for the learning of the students as well as their comfort. Teaching and learning is at its best when the school have enough materials, facilities, tools and equipment's to use.


  1. What kind of school is conducive to learning?

A school is conducive to learning when it has complete facilities particularly in the classrooms, offices and even laboratories. If it clean, well-organize and can provide comfort to the staffs, teachers and students. It allows free exchange of ideas, emotions are important in both teaching and learning, thus they should be accepted and harnessed, teachers are enthusiastic and positive when teaching, and each of the members of the school environment have the feeling of connectedness. 


  1. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

Conducive classroom is a welcoming environment where students can work toward particular goals outlined in the class objectives. The teacher must be cheerful, well-organized, outgoing, self-assured, and caring. Strong, adaptable teachers and leadership teams are essential. Schools provide comfort to students and encourage interaction 

  1. In the future, how you can accomplish your answer in number 3?

In the future, if I will become a teacher I can accomplish those things through letting my students involve in a particular task, we will celebrate every little success in our classroom, I will not disconnect myself with my students, and I will adapt changes especially when it is necessary for teaching and learning. I will organize our classroom that will provide comfort for teaching and learning. No students will be left behind, everyone is involved. 


  1. Write your additional learning insights here.

This subject help me in exploring the classroom. I was able to discover the things that are necessary for teaching and learning. This helps me to become aware on how to achieve great and effective school environment. It also gives me an opportunity to observe, explore and discover new things. As a future educator, this will help me give an idea how to have a school/classroom that is conducive to learning.

My Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment
Competitive School Environment



Observing Bulletin Board Displays

An Observation Guide for BULLETIN BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statements carefully before you observe:

  1. Observe a school and examine the board displays. How many boards do you  


I see two to five boards

  1. Where are the display boards found? Are they in place where target viewers  

             can you see them?

It was placed mostly on the wall and some are there are designated cabinets. Yes, the target viewers can see them as the display boards are located on the wall where students can easily view them and they can easily reach and read it.

  1. What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are  

             the pieces of  information arranged?

The displays are all about the month and date, works/activities of the students being displayed, reading materials, tools and materials being placed in designated place (index cards, tapes, post its, highlighters, scissors and pens), imagination blooms here board, classroom Instagram, numbers and letters. I can see letters and number images, flowers and other decorative materials, and the colors are pleasing to the eyes and it can really capture the eye of the audience.

  1. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

A lot of materials are being used in displays such as cardboard, color paper, wood (there are cabinets), decorative materials, scissors and markers. Yes, borders are being used

  1. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar, inconsistencies and  

             the like)

Since I only observe through video presentation, I did not see any errors maybe it is not visible on the video.  

  1. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

Yes, I can see that the letters and words are readable which makes it easy to understand, but there are some text that has a small size which make it unreadable from a distance.

  1. You may choose to take a photo of the display board ( if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write you observation report:


Please paste pictures of the board display you observe here)

Name  of the School Observed: One of the school in Dubai, it is not being mentioned on the video what is the name of the school.

Location of the School: Dubai

Date of Observation: October 14, 2021

From among the bulletin board displays that you saw, pick one that you got more interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Bulletin Board Display: 

Hall of Fame

Location of the Board Display in School: 

Most of the board display is located at the wall (vacant wall that is appropriate to put a board display) and there are designated cabinets for it also.       


 Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to support your ratings.











Effective Communication

It expresses the message promptly and clearly.


Yes there are designs and it is being put in a wall, but somehow it is not that expresses the message promptly and clearly.


Colors and arrangement capture and grasp interest.


By looking at those displays the colors can capture and grasp the interest of the students and the arrangement ordered.


Objects are organized, so firmness is recognized.


Things are well-organized and separately put each materials so that it can be recognized easily.


Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders hold the display together.


There are tendency that other materials put in the wall will be remove.


The manner and perspective attract learners to be immersed.


The purpose of board display is to be interactive and can attract learners to be immersed and I believe that the board display can attract the students.


Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance.


Some of the letters and illustrations cannot be clearly seen in a distance.


It is free from grammar errors, misspelled words, and vagueness.


The board display is free from errors and misspelled words.


It is well-established, items are vigorously attached.


Some materials will remove in the board display over a period of time.


  1. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target  

           audience?  Why? Why not?

Yes, the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience because it will encourage the audience to read what on the board display and the design will help to make it even  more interesting for the audience. Teachers create a board display base on what his/her students likes/interests.

  1.  Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to  

            understand?  Why?  Why not?

Yes, the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand, most of the board display uses English language which is the most common. Simple English language that can be easy to understand and clearly explains the topic.

  1.  What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it  

            effective?  Why? Why not?

The purpose of board display is to help maximize learning and personal skills and it is a great way for the students to engaged. Moreover, board display is a great learning implement for students who are visual learners, as it will help them visualize what is being told to them.

  1. What suggestions can you make?

Make board displays readable from a distance and put information necessary for the learning of the audience. Put topics that targeting the likes/interests of the audience so that the board display is at its great help. 



Target student’s likes/dislikes, what they want to learn and the things they want to improve. 

Bulletin Board Title:


Purpose: To know how the students are doing, what they wanted to learn, and to get to know more about the students.


Letting the students express themselves.

Best feature of my proposed bulletin enrichment :

Students can freely express their thoughts and ideas and they’re just going to put it on the bulletin. 

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description)

Color paper or band paper- where students write their thoughts and ideas.

Marker- use to write and mark highly visible

Adhesive- use to put the outputs on the bulletin

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

Board, paint, color paper, adhesive, etc.

Based on your suggestions, make your own bulletin board display lay-out. You may present your output through any of the following:

  1.  A hand-made drawing or layout

  2.  An electronic drawing, illustration, or layout

  3.  A collage

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