Professional Education Part 3
Choose the letter of the best answer in each question.
1. What does “Developmentally Appropriate Practice type of schooling focus on?
I. Typical development patterns of children
II. Uniqueness of each child
III. Direct Instructions
a. I & III
b. I & II
c. II & III
d. II only
answer: b
2. For Freud, the primary motivation for human behaviour is sexual in nature while for Erikson, it is _________ in nature.
a. social
b. physical
c. cultural
d. biological
answer: a
3. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to __________.
a. fill the minds of the learner with information
b. make the learning task easy for the student
c. help the learner connect what he knows with the new information learned
d. dictate upon the learner what he should learn and know
answer: c
4. Researches conducted show that the teacher’s expectancies of students often become self-fulfilling prophecies. This phenomenon is called ____________.
a. Halo effect
b. Hawthorne effect
c. Ripple effect
d. Pygmalion effect
answer: d
5. Which of the following is NOT synonymous to performance objective?
a. Teachers objectives
b. Learners objectives
c. Instructional objectives
d. Behavioural objectives
answer: b
6. Individual differences, when recognize early, will enable the teacher to provide different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning process. Each learner differs physically mentally, socially and emotionally. Unless the teacher provide for these differences, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can produce favourable results. This paragraph emphasizes that ______________.
a. there is a need for motivating learning
b. Individual difference is an important factor in guiding the learner
c. focus should be on teacher-learner relationship
d. it’s the nature of learning process
answer: b
7. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in physical appearance, certain attributes are constant. This is ____________.
a. reservation
b. construction
c. integration
d. conservation
answer: c
8. The level of mental maturity needed for a pupil to maximize learning opportunities can be determined ________.
a. upon reaching the age of seven
b. approximately at age five
c. at a level that varies from task to task
d. by administering readiness test
answer: a
9. Stage where children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models.
a. period of morality by constraint
b. post-conventional morality
c. mental age
d. metacognition
answer: a
10. The human evocative approach and the 4 A’s end with __________.
a. generalization
b. analysis
c. application
d. adaption
answer: c
11. The process by which certain potentials are inherited from the parents for his development.
a. Life
b. Birth
c. Heredity
d. Character
answer: c
12. The theory states that there are 8 basic developmental stages that the individual has pass through his life.
a. Learning theory
b. Psychoanalytic theory
c. Psychosocial theory
d. Cognitive Development Theory
answer: c
13. Transition age from childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and sex maturity occur resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking and acting.
a. Puberty
b. Adolescence
c. Early childhood
d. Latency period
answer: b
14. Modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment, result in the creation of new scheme.
a. Accommodation
b. Assimilation
c. Interaction
d. Modification
answer: a
15. Theory stating that a person’s behaviour can be motivated by urges towards self satisfaction.
a. Psychoanalytic Theory
b. Association Theory
c. Psychosocial Theory
d. Morality Theory
answer: a
16. The ability of a child to conceptualize the retention and preservation of the same quantity under various changes.
a. Recognition
b. Conservation
c. Reversibility
d. Assimilation
answer: b
17. Refers to the idea that no individual are exactly the same or alike.
a. Cognitive Theory
b. Exclusive theory
c. Individual Differences
d. Appreciative Learning
answer: c
18. He is known as the Father of Modern I.Q. Test.
a. Lewis Terman
b. Erik Erikson
c. Laurence Kohlberg
d. Martin Lesley
answer: a
19. “Intellectual Appreciative Experiences” is ______________.
a. based on the premise that all learning has emotional correlates.
b. obtained in the field of music, art and literature.
c. the acquisition and retention of facts and information.
d. the assumption that human activities are based on stimulus and response.
answer: a
20. This statement implies that children at the early learning stage, considered parents and teachers as authorities and models.
a. Parents and teachers should always coordinate children’s activities
b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
c. Parents and teachers should be the role models at all times
d. Parents and teachers should always consult each other with regards the child’s intellectual development.
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