(LET 2022) General Education Part 6


1. Business computers have become more complex, thus complete  training in operating them is needed. They are now described as SOPHISTICATED electronic system, meaning they are:

a. Cosmopolitan

b. Fashionable

c. Complicated

d. Simple

2. The stranger who climbs the fence is CULPABLE. This means he is: 

a. An intruder

b. Strong

c. Innocent

d. Guilty 

3. She wrote a “first rate” report. What does it say about the report? 

a. un-of the-mill

b. Excellent 

c. Mediocre

d. Ordinary 

4. Some animals perform services to assist man. Canines serve in war and in peace. Cats safeguard the home from pests, pigeons can transmit messages. This is possible if these animals are: 

a. Drugged

b. Kept

c. Trained

d. Fed

5. Your boss isn’t working anymore, _________
a. Isn’t he
b. Has he
c. he
d. Hasn’t he 

6. The reporter was accused in court because of his news story. The story was___.

a. Too personal to take 

b. A narration of facts 

c. Full of distorted facts 

d. Tainted with malice

7. Archimedes shouted “Eureka”. What did we take this to mean? 

a. Mystery b. Wonderful c. Enjoyment d. Discovery 

8. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. The line means: 

a. The heart is visible if one is kind

b. Important things are visible to the heart 

c. The heart is always correct about everything 

d. Only the heart can see the beautiful things in life.

9. “Only the heart can see rightly”. This statement is lifted from what particular novel?  a. The Pearl T b. he Right One  c. The Prince and the Pauper d. The Little Prince 

10. She is a vision of pulchritude. This stands for the following except: 

a. Homeliness
b. Loveliness
c. Physical beauty
d. Beautiful 

11. Mr. Aquino was concerned about the safety of motorists and he issued a circular containing ________ safety instructions.  a. Himself b. His c. Themselves d. Their 

12. Students who bully their classmates should be ashamed of _________ a. Oneself b. Himself c. Themselves d. Ourselves

13. Which of the following words is misspelled? 

a. Accommodate

b. Accuracy 

c. Accompaniment

d. Accountant 

14. The guests clapped and cheered the performance; they looked: 

a. Angry 

b. Offended

c. Disappointed

d. Interested


15. Scientists are always ready to reject or change a hypothesis because scientist do not consider their ideas to be _______ facts. 

a. Relative

b. Absolute

c. Tentative 

d. Transitional

16. Fish and fries _____ my cousin’s favorite fast food meal. 

a. Has 

b. Is

c. Have

d. Are

7. What does the expression “love begets love” mean? 

a. Love is not freely expected from everyone 

b. Don’t expect love, though you love others

c. If you offer love, you will be loved in return

d. Love is offered, not waiting for love in return 

18. He was helpless as a child. Classify this statement. 

a.  Idiom
b. Simile
c.   Synonym
d.  Metaphor 

19. Who among the following is known as the Indian Shakespeare? 

a.  Tagore
b.  Sadi
c.  Kalidasa
d.  Khagym 

20. What do you call an equity of two ratios? 

a.  Fraction 

b.  Quotient
c.  Proportion 

d.  Percentage 

21. “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day”. This is a famous quote from: 

a.  Manuel L. Quezon 

b. Jose P. Rizal 

c.   Andres Bonifacio 

d.  Benigno Aquino 

22. What symbol is used to underline the text? 

a.  Ctrl + P 

b.  Ctrl + D

c.   Ctrl + R 

d. Ctrl + U 

23. The entry of data and command into the computer system is made possible through: 

a.  Printer 

b.  Monitor 

c.   Diskette

d. Keyboard 

24. What is meant by the statement: values are absolute: Values are:

a.  Personal 

b.  Subjective 

c.   Changing 

d. Unchanging 

25. Give the value of a, if the statement is 4ab=20 and b=5

a.  4

b. 1

c.   2

d.  3

26. If 500 or 24% of the graduating class are girls, how many are graduating? 

a.  2000

b.  10,000

c.   5000

d.  20,000

27. The brain can store admonitory information. What is meant by admonitory? 

a.  Valuable data? 

b.  Past experience? 

c.   Advanced Knowledge? 

d. Warning to avoid Danger 

28. Astrology is the form of divination. Divination means: 

a.  Sanctification 

b.  State of Bliss 

c.  Foretelling future events 

d.  Unfortunate events 

29. During the discussion of the Noli Me Tangere, the students debated on the identity of the Filipino. During much of the Spanish occupation, how were the natives of the Philippines called? 

a.  Indios 

b.  Insulares 

c.   Principalia 

d.  Peninsulares 

30. He was the American President who said “ask not what America will do for you, bu what together we can do for freedom of man”

a.  Harry Truman

b.  Gerald Ford 

c.   Franklin Roosevelt 

d. John F. Kennedy 

31. Who was the Spanish Governor General who established the “tobacco monopoly” in 1718? 

a.  Basilio Agustin

b. Jose Basco 

c.   Francisco Rizzo 

d.  Rafael Izquierdo

32. Who among the leaders of Katipunan used the pet name Agapito Bagumbayan? 

a.  Emilio Jacinto 

b.  Julian Felipe 

c.  Andres Bonifacion 

d.  Pio Valenzuela 

33. Which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed? 

a.  Judicial 

b.  Executive 

c.   Administrative 

d. Legislative 

34. Where are the world’s major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism being practiced? 

a.  Asia 

b.  Africa

c.   South America 

d.  Europe 

35. The surface of the earth between the tropic of cancer and arctic circle is a 

a.  Circle 

b.  Cone 

c.   Plane 

d. Zone

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